460+ Slime Business Names

Slime enthusiasts, your quest for the perfect name ends here! Crafting the ideal slime business name can be as fun and creative as mixing your favorite slime recipe. 

You can transform your slime business from a mere idea into an unforgettable brand with the right name, just as the right ingredients can transform glue into a squishy delight.

A name that sticks in your mind, much like slime sticks to your fingers, is a name that will draw customers in. 

Get ready to watch your slime business ooze success with a name as colorful and unique as your creations! 🌟🌈💫

Best Slime Business Names (with Meaning)

Top 5 Slime Business Names

Like choosing the perfect color and texture for your slime, selecting a standout name is crucial.

A great name not only reflects your brand’s personality but also captures the essence of the fun and creativity that slime brings. 

Here are the top 20 names, each with its unique flair and meaning:

1. Glitter Gloop

Combining the sparkle of glitter with the satisfying gloop of slime, this name suggests a product full of shimmer and fun.

2. Squeeze Ease 

This name cleverly plays on the satisfying sensation of squeezing slime, indicating a stress-relieving, easy-to-handle product.

3. Squishy Delights

Evoking the tactile pleasure of squishing slime, this name promises delightful sensory experiences.

4. Puddle Pals

Reflecting the friendly and communal aspect of slime-making, this name suggests a product that brings people together.

5. Elastic Euphoria

Highlighting the stretchy nature of slime, this name conveys the joyful experience it provides.

6. Fizzle Fizz

Suggesting a slime that’s both fizzy and fun, this name is perfect for a product with a unique, bubbly texture.

7. Silky Squish

This name emphasizes the smooth, silky texture of the slime, making it irresistible to touch.

8. Bounce Bliss

Capturing the bouncy nature of some slimes, this name conveys a sense of happiness and lightness.

9. Goo Galore

Implies an abundant variety of slime, perfect for a business offering a wide range of textures and colors.

10. Slime Symphony

A name that suggests a harmonious blend of colors and textures, much like a well-orchestrated symphony.

11. Stretch Sparkle

Highlights both the stretchiness of slime and its potential to dazzle with sparkles.

12. Wobble Wonder

A playful name that captures the wobbly, unpredictable movement of slime, adding an element of surprise.

13. Jiggle Jewels

Slime with a jiggle that’s precious and captivating like jewels.

14. Glimmer Goo

Combines the allure of glimmer with the classic gooeyness of slime, perfect for eye-catching products.

15. Slick Squiggles

Describes slime that’s not only smooth to the touch but also fun to squiggle and shape.

16. Velvety Vibrance

This name suggests a slime with a luxurious, velvety texture and vibrant colors.

17. Bubble Blast

Evokes the fun of popping bubbles, perfect for a slime that’s both tactile and visually engaging.

18. Snappy Sensation

Indicates a slime with a snappy, responsive texture that’s also a sensational experience.

19. Smushy Mystery

A slime that’s soft and smushy, with an intriguing, mysterious appeal.

20. Whimsy Wiggles

A name that’s as fun to say as the slime is to play with, highlighting its whimsical and wiggly nature.

Domain For Business

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Related: Iv Hydration Business Names

Slime Business Names Ideas List

Slime Business Names Ideas List

In the whimsical world of slime, a catchy and humorous name can make your business stand out in a sea of competitors. 

A great name not only grabs attention but also conveys the fun and creativity at the heart of your brand. 

For inspiration, we’ve put together a list of 30 unique and funny slime business names:

1. Goo Giggles

2. Squishy Fiesta

3. Plop Pop

4. Jolly Jello

5. Zany Zoom

6. Dazzle Dough

7. Twiddle Treats

8. Sparkle Sploosh

9. Wacky Wobble

10. Slurpy Slime

11. Goofy Globs

12. Silly Squeeze

13. Juggle Jelly

14. Frolic Fudge

15. Mirthful Muck

16. Bouncy Blobs

17. Giddy Goo

18. Fidget Fudge

19. Kooky Clay

20. Chuckle Chew

21. Zippy Zap

22. Lively Lava

23. Whiz Wobble

24. Jovial Jelly

25. Prank Pudding

26. Rascal Rubber

27. Nifty Noodle

28. Snicker Sludge

29. Quirky Quicksand

30. Gleeful Gel

Unique Slime Business Names

Unique Slime Business Names

When it comes to slime businesses, a unique name can be a game-changer. 

It sets the tone for your brand and captures the essence of your creative and fun product. 

The following are 30 unique, funny, and memorable slime business name ideas to inspire your creativity:

1. Frothy Frolics

2. Glee Goo

3. Snazzy Slush

4. Happy Hoppers

5. Jiggle Joy

6. Slinky Slurp

7. Puffy Puddles

8. Doodle Dazzle

9. Fizz Frenzy

10. Jolly Gloop

11. Quirk Quake

12. Sassy Squish

13. Fluffy Flubber

14. Zest Zing

15. Bubbly Boing

16. Wiggly Wonders

17. Chortle Chunks

18. Gleam Gush

19. Spry Spritz

20. Tickle Tangle

21. Frisky Fluff

22. Loopy Lush

23. Cheery Chomp

24. Spunky Splash

25. Perky Plop

26. Bliss Blob

27. Jazzy Jellies

28. Mirth Mash

29. Sprightly Slime

30. Chuckle Chunk

Funny Slime Business Names

Funny Slime Business Names

A funny and catchy name for your slime business can be a fantastic way to attract attention and bring smiles to your customers’ faces. 

It’s all about creating a playful and memorable identity that resonates with the joy and amusement of playing with slime. 

Below are 30 funny slime business names that are sure to tickle your funny bone and capture the essence of your brand:

1. Giggly Gunk

2. Chuckle Ooze

3. Squirmy Squirts

4. Silly Slimes

5. Goofball Goo

6. Witty Wiggles

7. Laughing Lava

8. Quirky Quagmire

9. Jovial Jiggle

10. Hilarious Hues

11. Guffaw Globs

12. Comical Clumps

13. Snigger Slush

14. Jest Jello

15. Whimsical Waves

16. Mirthful Mush

17. Grin Gooey

18. Frolic Fizz

19. Droll Dough

20. FunBlob Folly

21. Humor Huddle

22. Amuse Ooze

23. Playful Plop

24. Joke Jelly

25. Chortle Charm

26. Tease Taffy

27. Smirk Slurp

28. Banter Blob

29. Wisecrack Whirl

30. Tickle Tint

Cute Slime Business Names

A cute name for your slime business can be incredibly appealing, especially to a younger audience. 

It should evoke the playful and adorable nature of slime, making it irresistible to customers. 

Here’s a list of 30 cute slime business names that encapsulate the charm and delightfulness of your products:

1. Cuddle Goo

2. Snuggle Slime

3. Purrfect Puddles

4. Sweet Squish

5. Fluffy Fizz

6. Cozy Clump

7. Dainty Drip

8. Lullaby Lush

9. Pixie Plop

10. Hug Muddle

11. Whisker Wobble

12. Blossom Blob

13. Cutie Gunk

14. Snappy Sparkle

15. Darling Dough

16. Twinkle Twist

17. Lovey Lava

18. Glimmer Glue

19. Tiny Twirl

20. Doodle Dew

21. Giggle Gel

22. Peppy Pudding

23. Charm Chomp

24. Bubble Blush

25. Fancy Froth

26. Nifty Nibbles

27. Sweetie Squeeze

28. Munchkin Mush

29. Bouncy Bliss

30. Cuddle Clot

Aesthetic Slime Shop Names

An aesthetic name for your slime shop can greatly enhance its appeal, reflecting the beauty and artistic quality of your products. 

Such names should evoke a sense of elegance, creativity, and visual appeal, resonating with customers who appreciate the artistry of slime. 

Slime shop names that capture the essence of beauty and sophistication are listed below:

1. Artisan Ooze

2. Elegance Elastics

3. Chic Charm

4. Graceful Goo

5. Vogue Viscosity

6. Serene Slush

7. Lush Luster

8. Ethereal Essence

9. Refined Ripple

10. Sleek Slime

11. Glossy Glide

12. Aesthetic Atmosphere

13. Enchant Elegance

14. Radiant Ripple

15. Poise Puddle

16. Opulent Ooze

17. Dreamy Drizzle

18. Luxe Lava

19. Posh Plop

20. Swank Slurp

21. Vogue Vortex

22. Plush Purity

23. Mirage Mingle

24. Lavish Lather

25. Sublime Swirl

26. Majestic Muddle

27. Tranquil Tint

28. Velvet Vortex

29. Pristine Puff

30. Harmony Haze

Catchy Slime Business Names

Catchy names for a slime business are essential for creating a lasting impression and attracting customers. 

A good name should be memorable, easy to pronounce, and encapsulate the fun and engaging nature of slime. 

You’ll never forget these 30 catchy slime business names:

1. Slime Spectacle

2. Zap Zest

3. Flicker Flop

4. Sizzle Slush

5. Spark Squish

6. Zing Zoom

7. Flash Fizz

8. Glint Goo

9. Bling Blob

10. Swing Slime

11. Zap Zoodle

12. Twirl Twist

13. Flicker Fluff

14. Prism Plop

15. Bolt Bounce

16. Sparkle Squirt

17. Zip Zest

18. Glitz Gloop

19. Flair Fluff

20. Shimmer Shake

21. Jolt Jelly

22. Beam Blob

23. Buzz Bubbles

24. Twinkle Tangle

25. Blaze Blob

26. Razzle Ripple

27. Zoom Zest

28. Quiver Quake

29. Pulse Plop

30. Vibe Vortex

Preppy Slime Business Names

Preppy slime business names exude a sense of sophistication and style, appealing to a clientele that appreciates a more refined and classic aesthetic. 

These names should blend the playful nature of slime with an air of elegance and exclusivity. 

We’ve compiled a list of 30 preppy slime business names that are both classy and whimsy:

1. Prep Plop

2. Elite Elegance

3. Classy Clump

4. Posh Puddles

5. Regal Ripple

6. Chic Charm

7. Ivy Ooze

8. Noble Noodle

9. Dapper Dew

10. Grace Goo

11. Svelte Slush

12. Vogue Viscosity

13. Polished Plop

14. Refined Ripple

15. Urbane Utopia

16. Swanky Slime

17. Prim Purity

18. Deluxe Drip

19. Opulent Ooze

20. Majestic Muddle

21. Ritzy Ripple

22. Plush Plop

23. Luxe Lather

24. Snazzy Squish

25. Genteel Gel

26. Nifty Nobility

27. Dainty Drizzle

28. Suave Slush

29. Pristine Puddle

30. Lavish Lava

Creative Slime Business Names

Creative slime business names should capture the imagination and showcase the innovation and uniqueness of your products. 

A well-chosen name can reflect the artistic and experimental nature of slime, setting your brand apart. 

The following are 30 original and business names:

1. Imagine Ooze

2. Crafty Clumps

3. Whimsy Wiggles

4. Mystic Muck

5. Fantasy Fizz

6. Dream Drip

7. Visionary Viscosity

8. Innovate Ick

9. Artful Ooze

10. Quirky Quagmire

11. Genius Goo

12. Inventive Ink

13. Pioneer Plop

14. Novel Noodle

15. Bright Blob

16. Spark Squish

17. Insightful Ick

18. Odyssey Ooze

19. Unique Unction

20. Mosaic Mush

21. Abstract Agar

22. Mirage Muddle

23. Canvas Clump

24. Conceptual Cream

25. Palette Puddles

26. Blueprint Blob

27. Expression Elixir

28. Craft Clot

29. Design Dew

30. Original Ointment

Good Slime Business Names

Good slime business names should be catchy, and memorable, and resonate with the fun and joy of slime-making and playing. 

These names should appeal to a wide audience, be easy to remember, and reflect the quality and creativity of your products. 

We’ve compiled 30 business names that you’re sure to love:

1. Slime Harmony

2. Blissful Blobs

3. Gleeful Goo

4. Jolly Jiggle

5. Happy Hues

6. Sunny Slush

7. Cheerful Clumps

8. Radiant Ripple

9. Delight Drip

10. Joyful Jellies

11. Pleasant Plop

12. Serene Slimes

13. Content Clot

14. Lively Lava

15. Merry Mush

16. Gleaming Gel

17. Bright Bounce

18. Gentle Goo

19. Soothing Slurp

20. Calm Cling

21. Vibrant Viscosity

22. Soft Squish

23. Peaceful Puddles

24. Refreshing Ripple

25. Kindly Knead

26. Sweet Slime

27. Tranquil Taffy

28. Wholesome Wobble

29. Relaxed Ripples

30. Welcoming Wave

Catchy Slime Company Names

Catchy slime company names are crucial for making a strong first impression and ensuring that your brand sticks in the minds of potential customers. 

The right name can encapsulate the essence of your products and create a lasting connection with your audience. 

These 30 names for slime companies combine creativity, fun, and memorability:

1. Slime Savvy

2. Goo Guru

3. Slick Slurps

4. Groovy Gloop

5. Pizzazz Puddles

6. Slime Symphony

7. Glitter Gush

8. Bounce Brigade

9. Squish Squad

10. Goo Glitz

11. Twinkle Tangles

12. Fizz Fancies

13. Squeeze Sensation

14. Velvet Vortex

15. Zest Zippers

16. Slime Spectrum

17. Splash Spectacle

18. Doodle Drips

19. Mystic Merges

20. Glimmer Gooey

21. Bubbly Burst

22. Ooze Odyssey

23. Swirl Surge

24. Spunky Spatter

25. Gleam Gleeful

26. Ripple Rendezvous

27. Wobble Waves

28. Gooey Gala

29. Squishy Soirée

30. Slime Sizzle

Creative Slime Business Names

Creative slime business names should encapsulate the imaginative and innovative spirit of slime-making. 

These names need to be distinctive and catchy, reflecting the unique qualities of your slime products. 

The following list includes 30 business names designed to capture the fun and originality of slime:

1. Whiz Wiggles

2. Glitter Gleam

3. Puddle Pizzazz

4. Squishy Symphony

5. Fizzle Fun

6. Gooey Galaxy

7. Sparkle Squash

8. Jiggle Joy

9. Zany Zest

10. Slime Serenade

11. Dazzle Dough

12. Lush Lagoon

13. Twirl Tingles

14. Bounce Bonanza

15. Glimmer Gush

16. Velvet Vibe

17. Swirl Splendor

18. Charm Churn

19. Shimmer Shift

20. Frolic Foam

21. Squeeze Symphony

22. Goo Gala

23. Bubble Bliss

24. Glaze Glint

25. Muddle Magic

26. Twist Tango

27. Mystic Mingle

28. Razzle Ripple

29. Silky Swish

30. Posh Plop

Memorable Slime Business Names

Memorable slime business names are key to establishing a lasting brand identity. 

They should be catchy, easy to recall, and convey the playful essence of your slime products. 

A great name will stick in your customers’ minds just like your slime sticks to their hands. 

These 30 business names will leave a lasting impression:

1. Slime Sensation

2. Gooey Wonders

3. Squishy Marvels

4. Jiggle Gems

5. Gloop Glory

6. Silky Slimes

7. Bouncy Blooms

8. Dazzle Dough

9. Spark Squiggles

10. Fizz Fiesta

11. Plop Panache

12. Swirl Serenity

13. Gooey Glee

14. Squishy Symphony

15. Jelly Jamboree

16. Ripple Rapture

17. Glimmer Goo

18. Whirl Wonders

19. Puddle Play

20. Twinkle Tingles

21. Slick Squeeze

22. Goo Gala

23. Zest Zing

24. Bubbly Burst

25. Slime Symphony

26. Gooey Gala

27. Slime Saga

28. Plop Paradise

29. Squishy Spectacle

30. Jolly Jellies

Rhyming Slime Business Names

Rhyming slime business names are not only fun but also incredibly catchy, making them easy to remember and appealing to customers. 

A good rhyming name can add a playful twist to your brand and help it stand out. 

Listed below are 30 business names that are memorable and whimsy:

1. Squeeze Tease

2. Goo Crew

3. Fizzle Sizzle

4. Plop Shop

5. Jiggle Wiggle

6. Squish Wish

7. Glimmer Shimmer

8. Bounce Pounce

9. Slime Time

10. Goo Stew

11. Flicker Ticker

12. Wobble Gobble

13. Squash Splash

14. Glue Brew

15. Gunk Trunk

16. Blob Slob

17. Slush Blush

18. Drip Clip

19. Slurp Burp

20. Smush Blush

21. Goo Boo

22. Blob Knob

23. Jello Hello

24. Clump Jump

25. Slick Nick

26. Mush Rush

27. Squishy Fishy

28. Slime Climb

29. Wobble Cobble

30. Gloop Troop

Clever Slime Business Names

Clever slime business names should be witty, imaginative, and reflective of the creativity inherent in slime-making. 

A smart and thoughtful name can intrigue potential customers and make your brand more memorable. 

You will find 30 business names for slimes that are both playful and thought-provoking here:

1. Slime Mind

2. Witty Wiggles

3. Brainy Bounce

4. Ponder Puddle

5. Clever Clump

6. Slick Trick

7. Wise Whirl

8. Smarty Squish

9. Goo Genius

10. Bright Blob

11. Savvy Slurp

12. Keen Goo

13. Quick Quirk

14. Thinker Tinker

15. Shrewd Slush

16. Brain Blob

17. Sharp Slime

18. Goo Guru

19. Sage Squash

20. Insight Ooze

21. Logic Lush

22. Bright Blob

23. Mindful Muddle

24. Astute Ooze

25. Genius Gloop

26. Brainy Blob

27. Crafty Clump

28. Slick Slicker

29. Wise Wobble

30. Goo Gadget

Domain For Business

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Related: Soap Business Names

Slime Name Brainstorming Techniques: How to Generate Creative and Catchy Ideas

Ever stare at a blank page, mind as gooey and formless as your latest slime concoction, when it comes to naming your slime business? 

Don’t worry, fellow slimetastic entrepreneur, we’ve all been there. 

This brainstorming bonanza is about to bust you out of that sticky naming rut and have you spitting out catchy monikers like a glitter cannon on overdrive.

1. Channel Your Inner Child (But Keep it PG-13)

Remember those epic forts you built with mismatched blankets and boundless imagination? Tap into that same playful spirit! 

Think silly sound effects, fantastical creatures, or even childhood nicknames for inspiration. 

What about “Squish & Squawk Slimes” or the “Captain Cuddles’ Cosmic Cloud”? A smile (and maybe a purchase) is guaranteed.

2. Wordplay Wizardry

Unleash your inner pun-slinger! Alliteration, rhymes, and clever word combinations can be your secret slime-naming weapon. 

The names “Glittery Goo Lagoon,” “Squishy Symphony Slimes,” or “Ooey-Gooey Oasis” roll off the tongue like slime off a spoon and stick in your head like glitter on the shirts of toddlers.

3. Sensory Safari

Slime isn’t just for sight, it’s a full-body fiesta! Think about the textures, smells, and even sounds your slimes create. 

You can paint a vivid picture before your customers even touch the jar with names like “Fluffy Flurry,” “Tropical Taffy Tornado,” and “Moonlight Meltdown.”

4. Target Audience Tune-In 

Who are your slimetastic peeps? Trendy teens, crafty kiddos, or stressed-out adults seeking some sensory solace? Tailor your name to resonate with their vibe. 

For glitter lovers, brainy drink lovers, or relaxation lovers, “Unicorn Fluff Factory” speaks their language.

5. Keep it Catchy, Keep it Short 

Attention spans are shorter than a pre-schoolers nap these days, so keep your name concise and impactful. 

You can say “slime!” without a dictionary if you have a name like “Squish Squad,” “Slime Alchemy,” or “Oozetopia.”